The Family constellation changed my life. I saw the pain of my forefathers and mothers. Now I understand better the patterns of my family. I felt very safe. It was an emotional, powerful and beautiful experience. Thank you. The family constellation helped me a lot.
Stijn, Belgium
My experience was surreal and helped me to find deeper meaning and gain more understanding about my past, my ancestors and what is now part of who I am. It also allowed me to find peace and find beautiful connections with others participating in the workshop. The experience was definitely worth it.
Thank you! And thank you for your work and contribution to the community.
Karina, Kazachstan
After a constellation I am doing very good with high energy boost. I feel as if a big load has been lifted of from my shoulders. I actually feel more alive!!!
Carole, Canada
I have had the fortune to participate in several constellations facilitated by Aiste. She brings a beautiful balance of confident guidance and receptive softness. I have often been grateful for her intuition, noticing when something needs to shift, and inviting a word or an action that supports the movement. Her heart is very big - and I can see how much she opens to each person who comes to participate in constellations with her. Yet she also remains grounded and trusts the natural unfolding, not overly involving herself in this organic process.
Sam, USA
I found the session really explorative and powerful. Looking at my key relationships, family and ancestral influences from a perspective that I hadn’t seen before, providing insight, relief and peace to some elements of our dynamic which have been confusing and sometimes troubling.
Helen, UK
Doing a group constellation session with Aiste was one one of the most powerful experiences I’ve had in a constellation. I felt like it was a very nurturing and supportive environment. After the constellation, Aiste followed up with me and made sure that I was integrating well. I found her to be professional and caring, two really great qualities in a counsellor! I look forward to doing more of this powerful type of work with Aiste.
Claire, Germany
Yo tomé mi terapia de constelaciones familiares con AISTE y fue un reencuentro dulce y amoroso.
Un acompañamiento contenido guiado con conocimiento, empatía en su guía.
Definitivamente la paz que se vive y transmite solo puede venir de su formación académica, espiritual, y su amoroso corazón guía.
Esto ayuda y en comunidad más.
Beatriz, Mexico
Video English
Zahi Lotem, MD - Pediatrician, Pulmonologist (ISR)
Michal Hemmo Lotem, MD - Pediatrician, Entrepreneur (ISR)
Aleida Rodriguez, Psychologist (CA)
Video Spanish
Testimonial Mildred Ortiz, Psicologa Transpersonal (MX)
Testimonial Gema Jimenez, Terapeuta, Fundadora de ''Casa Magnolia'' (MX)

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